Picture yourself in the middle of the jungle surrounded by abundant orchids, tropical flowers, and wild birds. Breathing fresh air and the singing of the birds will give you joy. Due to its location and tropical weather, Guatemala has more than 1,400 species of orchids. In this tour, we’ll take you through a 1-km-long path with 9 interactive stations so you will have the chance to observe 450 species of orchids. Not only that, but you will also learn about the connection between these mesmerizing flowers and butterflies, do birdwatching, and if you’re lucky enough, you will see the Scaled Antpitta, a unique and not-frequently observed bird. And if you are a nature lover as we are, many other activities will bring all your senses to life.
The Natural Reserve of Orquigonia is a rescue and conservation center located just a few minutes away from Cobán. So don’t hesitate and get amazed by this delightful place!