Learning to kitesurf
Learning to Kitesurf
Today, learning to kitesurf is becoming as popular as learning to ski holidays and, as of 2021, kitesurfing is among the fastest growing extreme sport in the world. It is fun. a relatively easy sport to learn and it definitely gets the adrenaline pumping.
However, a bit like snowboarding, many people have find it to be slightly frustrating during the initial stage. However, when one moves from the novice stage (learning the basics of controlling the kite and getting up on the board), they will actually begin to have a lot of fun. But it is crucial for every person to learn this sport using the appropriate equipment- a suitable kite, board and harness and at an apt place, and most importantly, under the guidance of a qualified kiteboarding instructor.
What must be the fitness level to BE eligible TO KITESURF?
It is a common misconception that you must be very fir for this sport. In fact, many times, you will come across 8 year old kids engaging in this sport. Particularly women must not refrain from trying it out by falsely believing that biceps are required. The fact is that when the apt kite is used, practically every person can kitesurf. That is because the strain is not taken by the arms. Instead, the kite’s pull goes across the harness and thus, it works out your core. However, you are required to be comfortable in the water and some amount of fitness is necessary.
HOW expensive is KITESURFING?
The kitesurfing equipment that is required is a kite, bar and lines, a harness and a board. In case you are purchasing brand new gear, the overall cost may fall between1500 and 2000 GBP / 1700 and 2300 EUR, although the exact price depends on the brand and spec that is bought. By opting for a previous year’s model, you will get some good discounts.
You will also come across some second hand gear, which can be purchased for around 500 GBP / 580 EUR. If you are purchasing second hand kites, the year of manufacturing is something you should learn about. In recent years, kites have truly evolved and thus, the performance of a new kite and an old one truly is different. Kites that are older usually demonstrate less de-power (a key safety feature) and can be challenging to relaunch.
Apart from the kiting kit, a wetsuit, neoprene booties, a helmet and buoyancy aid are also required. If all the products you purchase are new, all of it would cost about 250 to 300 GBP.
In case you are eager to learn thus sport, we recommend undergoing a 3-day kitesurf course, which again costs about 290 GBP / 330 EUR and is inclusive of 4 hours each day and the equipment required.
HOW LONG do you need when learning to KITESURF?
In just three days, you can truly be confident.
Kitesurfing is a sport that is very easy to learn. In case you have flown a power kite before and tried out skateboarding, snowboarding or wakeboarding, you’re all set to learn this. Usually a course that spans over three days is adequate. Then, you would adequate practice to hone your skills and become comfortable with the entire process. Once you learn how you can ride upwind, you essentially know how to stay safe and get back to the starting point.
Here, we have listed 5 essential steps to kitesurfing with substantial progress in your skills. By following this, you will ensure that you do not need any extra lessons and the learning phase truly becomes fun.
A trainer kite is nothing but a very small traction kite of about 2 to 3 meters, which can be used for learning the fundamentals of kite flying in a safe manner, prior to entering water. This is a great way to understand the wind window and the power zone, which are crucial for kitesurfing.
Traction kites are typically equipped with 2 or 4 lines, although there are models with 3 lines as well, including the Ozone Ignition wherein the third line is employed for safety purposes. A 3 m2 kite is something we recommend, although you must remain careful under strong winds, since a small size can also ensure your feet are off the air.
You can easily get a hold of fundamental kite skills over a trainer kite prior to the kitesurfing lessons, and thus, a lot of time and money can be saved. Moreover, it can be used for mountain boarding or snow kiting too.
Boardsports enjoy significant crossover and becoming maters at sports, such as wakeboarding, skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding, will help you become more comfortable with the kiteboard. Then, it becomes easier to focus on flying the kite, as opposed to concentrating on maintaining your balance while on the board. Wakeboarding is undoubtedly very similar to kitesurfing, since the boards are similar. Thus, land up at a cable-ski centre and ride a wakeboard again till comfortable. This will definitely accelerate your advancement at your kitesurfing lessons.
Try to see several videos related to kitesurfing, since it will assist you with learn much quicker once you begin taking lessons. Many videos can be found that deal with the fundamentals. I personally recommend the kitesurfing series under Progression that will help beginners to turn into professionals by showcasing just 5 videos. You can also look at YouTube and definitely try watching several videos on the same topic. However, videos cannot substitute actual professional kiteboarding instruction.
More Kitesurfing Learner Videos
The videos from Progression Sports try to ensure that you know everything you can before your lessons begin or can help reiterate whatever you learned in the course. This program encompasses:
- Location and Conditions
- Equipment and Terminology
- Kite Set Up
- Launching and Landing the Kite
- Body Dragging (including upwind body dragging)
- Water Re-Launch and Self-Rescue
- Water starts and First Runs
- Riding and Staying Upwind
- Changing Direction
This step cannot be missed! You must go and learn from a qualified kitesurf instructor, which will ensure that you learn everything and remain safe. Thankfully, through the first 3 steps, you have already begun your learning journey. This will substantially decrease the teaching time.
A 3-day course with 4 hours a day would be sufficient. An instructor will quickly rectify mistakes to prevent the formation of bad habits.
Kitesurfing is an extreme sport and thus, is dangerous in case you do not remain cautious. If a 12 m kite enters the power zone, it will result in a serious disaster. You can never enjoy the advantages that actual lessons will provide if you attempt to learn on your own. Moreover, kite schools are equipped with a lot of gear and thus, you can use a kite that is meant for the space and aligns with your level of skills.
So do enroll in a course. It’s a small investment for safety and peace of mind.
STEP 5: purchase KITESURFING GEAR meant for YOUR LEVEL AND location
When you just begin to use a kite, you will end up crashing it and trashing it. Thus, purchase a trainer kite and sharpen your skills on it, since it is typically tougher and does not come with a leading edge that is inflatable.
However, the kite that undergoes damage will be owned by the kitesurf school, which is also a reason to seek lessons prior to purchasing your own equipment. Trash their beginner gear before you trash your own.
Following your lessons, check if the school owns any second hand gear that is on sale. Typically, after the completion of a course, they provide some great deals. Essentially, when you are just starting out, refrain from purchasing a new kit, since it will undergo damage.
Want To Learn to Kitesurf?
Check out Addict Kite School Tarifa or check out our map for more awesome schools.