Who wants to Cook+Climb?
Welcome to the culinary series celebrating two great passions, to Cook+Climb!
Some things make life worth living, when you combine those passions the results can be amazing. Just check out Vman’s amazing Cook+Climb series to see what I mean.
Started back in 2016 Vman, Vaidotas as he is officially known, started his web series as a way to share not only his two passions with the world, but his wacky character. This humble guy is quite interesting when you pull the layers back. Living full time in his van, for the last few years he have ventured all over Europe climbing crags where possible and whipping out his frying pan at every possible moment.
A blend of simplicity, fresh ingredients and some real creativity gives Cook+Climb its own unique An avid Plastic Warrior, like myself, Vman is vocal in his wish for us to boycott plastic packaging and minimise waste.
He even gets a shoutout on EpicTV with some French toast and a spot of bouldering, check it out.
Check out the first episode of Cook+Climb!
My favourite episode (The Editor’s choice)
More adventures with Vman
Not had enough of our Loco Lithuanian. Why not check out one of Vman and his buddies’ recent excursions came in the form of a multi-day trek deep into Russia in search of these unusual rock formations. Whistling to scare off the bears, building bridges with the locals, being left in the middle of nowhere by the helicopter pilot before they got their gear off the chopper…sounds like fun!! At least there was vodka!
Mythical Giants
Hope you enjoy and check out more episodes of Cook+Climb…
Check out my Instagram for more paragliding adventures… @TheParaglider
Feedback is always welcome so feel free to reach out (Contact) or comment below!