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3 Tips For Beginner Divers

3 Tips For Beginner Divers


Here are 3 Tips For Beginner Divers I wish I knew before getting into the sport. If we want to be successful in a sport, it is at least as important to train our mind in addition to our body. Especially when it comes to a sport like diving. It takes you lot of mental strength. Diving under all conditions: cold, darkness, currents, poor visibility. An extreme sport that demands a lot from you. 
If the right framework conditions are created, then you can get involved fully relaxed and full of joy in the training. I noticed that on my way to the open water diver my ideal conditions unfortunately were not available retroactively, so that my passion for diving is still inhibited today.  
So that this doesn’t happen to you and you have an unforgettable time, I have put together 3 tips  for diving beginners to help you to create your perfect framework.

1. Chose the Right Diving School

Find a dive school or dive center, a diving instructor who is sympathetic to you. Don’t just chose the closest one around.  You entrust your life to this person, so it would only be advisable to choose a person who is not only professionally qualified but also a human. Also, choose the place that suits you best, where you want to do your training. Do you like to go out in the warm water and have a lovely beach close by or do you prefer the cold mountains water surrounded by a beautiful landscape? 
Also, it is not insignificant to mention the standards by which you want to make your diving license. There are countless diving organizations (PADI, CMAS, SSI, IDA, Scuba diving international, Global Underwater Explorers, BSAC, Naui world wide, ACUC, NOB). Usually PADI, CMAS and SSI are recognized worldwide and are predominantly taught. The standards vary from the degree of difficulty and the quality of the teaching content. But don’t worry! You are safe and well advised with all organizations. 
It was clear to me that at the time of my diving training, the lakes in which I should learn had a very low visibility compared to the sea. To this came the cold and of Cours the consequence of a thicker equipment and gloves, which significantly restricted my freedom of movement. But still I did enjoy the beautiful landscape and the great company of my dive school. 

2. The right mindset

If you should not feel comfortable on the day you go diving or you have a bad feeling, overthink again if it really makes sense for you to torment you for two hours in the water to do tasks that might even scare you. Don’t let anyone pressure you, if you make a mistake it is you that keeps the responsibility for it. 
To relive nervousness or tension, I recommend you to listen to your favorite music (here is my choice), meditate or try different breathing techniques. These relaxation techniques will help you to come down. Maybe you have already your perfect key to relax?
If you are nervous or tense because you don’t have a good command of the procedures, mental training will help you to remember them better. It works quite simply by going through every step of preparation for diving over and over again in your mind. You’ll notice it really helps you. Our brain does not distinguish between physical activities or imagination. The more often you train all processes, the safer you will become with time and the relaxation will come back to you all by itself. At the beginning It is absolute normal to be nervous and tense, because you are still busy with optimizing the technology. Have patience and perseverance, it’s worth it! 

3. Choose the right dive buddy for you!

What is at least as important as a good mindset and a dive instructor you trust is a dive buddy you can trust. Diving buddies are a well coordinated team that can help the respective partner especially in emergency situations competently and quiet. The worst thing that probably can happen to you underwater is to panic. Our brain then exposes the rational thinking completely  and the emotions take over. This will make it impossible for you to remain calm and make a sensible decision that is safe for everyone involved. For this reason, it is all the more valuable to choose an experience dive buddy who can give you a lot of security as a beginner.
It’s like chopping wood. The longer you sharpen the axe and prepare, the more successful you will be! 
With these ultimate tips, you are now well prepared for your diving experience! 
Dive safe y’all!
Checkout Diving Centres on Big Adventure Map!
This piece was prepared by Big Adventure Map’s Margarita. Margarita loves hiking, scuba diving, mountain biking, SUP and, of course, paragliding in tandem with her superstar boyfriend pilot, Nick.

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